If you love a challenge and want to switch up your workout this month, or you need some help putting together a workout that helps you meet your fitness goals, or maybe you’ve taken a break from working out and want to get back into a routine, this 30-day workout challenge is just what you need.
To do this challenge, you don’t need any special equipment or access to a gym. You just need a patch of floor, a timer, and proper form. So if you’re traveling for work or pleasure, you can still stick to the plan. As busy as you are, try to take your time with these exercises each day so you can get the most out of your workout.

Day 1: Do 10 Bird dogs each side | Do 10 sit ups | Hold a plank for 45 seconds
Day 2: Do 15 jumping jacks | Do 15 bicycles each side | Hold a plank for 45 seconds
Day 3: Do 20 squats | Do 20 lunges on each side | Hold a plank for 45 seconds
Day 4: Rest
Day 5: Do 15 supermans | Do 15 sit ups | Hold a 30 second side plank on each side
Day 6: Do 20 supermans | Do 20 bicycles each side | Hold a plank for one minute
Day 7: Do 25 supermans | Do 25 squats | Hold a plank for one minute
Way to go!! You finished week one of the 30-day fitness challenge. Ready to crush week two? Here goes …
Day 8: Bird dogs, 20 reps each side | Do 20 sit ups | Hold a 30 second side plank each side
Day 9: Rest
Day 10: Do 25 jumping jacks | Do 25 lunges each side | Hold a one minute plank
Day 11: Do 30 supermans | Do 30 sit ups | Hold a plank for 1:15
Day 12: Do 30 supermans | Do 30 bicycles each side | Hold a plank for 1:15
Day 13: Do 35 supermans | Do 35 squats | Hold a plank for 1:15
Day 14: Do 35 jumping jacks | Hold a plank for 1:30
You’re done with week two! Feeling strong? Feeling great? Feeling ready for week three? Of course you are!
Day 15: Rest
Day 16: Do 25 bird dogs each side | Do 25 sit ups | Hold a plank for 1:45
Day 17: Do 30 jumping jacks | Do 30 bicycles each side | Hold a 45 second side plank each side
Day 18: Do 35 squats | Do 35 lunges each side | Hold a plank for 1:45
Day 19: Do 35 supermans | Do 35 sit ups | Hold a plank for 1:45
Day 20: Do 35 supermans | Do 35 bicycles each side | Hold a plank for two minutes
Day 21: Do 40 jumping jacks | Hold a plank for 2:15
Nice work! You crushed week three! You’re in the home stretch now. Ready, steady, go!
Day 22: Rest
Day 23: Do 35 squats | Do 35 lunges each side | Hold a one minute side plank each side
Day 24: Do 30 bird dogs each side | Do 30 sit ups | Hold a plank for 2:15
Day 25: Do 35 supermans | Do 35 sit ups | Hold a plank for 2:30
Day 26: Do 40 jumping jacks | Do 40 squats | Hold a plank for 2:30
Day 27: Do 40 jumping jacks | Do 40 lunges each side | Hold a 1:15 side plank each side
Day 28: Do 40 supermans | Do 40 bicycles each side | Hold a plank for 2:30
Almost there … it’s the last few days so make them count!
Day 29: Do 45 jumping jacks | Hold a plank for 2:45
Day 30: Rest
Bonus day: Do 15 supermans | Do 15 lunges each side | Hold a 1:30 side plank each side
Bonus day: Do 15 supermans | Do 15 squats | Hold a plank for 3:00
Congratulations on completing the 30-day fitness challenge!
Amazing effort! You crushed it! Ready for the next 30 days but not sure what to do and want more workout plans like this? The certified personal trainers at Inspire Fitness Training Studio in Arlington, MA can help. Schedule a free consultation today to get started!
Joe Rindone, NCPT is a certified personal trainer and the Founder of Inspire Fitness Studio in Arlington, MA. Joe’s passion for fitness has motivated him to become one Greater Boston’s best personal trainers. An athlete throughout high school and college, Joe has always enjoyed being active. Currently he enjoys road races, working with his boxing coach, kettlebell training and getting out for a round of golf in his spare time. Joe hold many fitness and nutrition certifications including an Indoor/Outdoor Bootcamp certification and a Injury/Recovery Exercise certification.