
When the sun is shining and the weather is perfect there’s no place you’d rather be than on the golf course. And let’s face it, anything you can do to end the day with a better score is a big win. The truth is, better golf scores aren’t all made on the green. If you...
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Have you ever felt sluggish during a workout? There’s a reason why your body sometimes feels like it would rather be sitting out your workout. You probably have fueled your body properly to give it the energy it needs to complete your workout. Just like exercise, nutrition plays a major role in keeping your body...
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If getting in shape is on your to-do list this year, you’re not alone! In fact, some sort of physical goal, whether it be losing weight, gaining muscle, or just being more active, is one of the most common resolutions every year. Sticking to a fitness goal can seem challenging, especially if you’re not setting...
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You already know that your body requires regular exercise to be healthy … but are you incorporating a balance of the four fitness categories that Health Professionals encourage? Physical activity is a spectrum of moves that target your body with individual benefits, and each kind of workout you do is beneficial to your health. However,...
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We’ve all been there; you’ve shown up to the gym ready for a great lift, just to find that all of the equipment you need is taken. All of the squat racks are full, the benches are occupied, and the dumbbells are all being used. Now, what do you do? Rather than waste time waiting...
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Whether you’re just getting started in your fitness journey or have been working out for years, it’s crucial to understand the importance of proper form. While many people want to get in the gym and lift as much as they possibly can or do as many reps until failure, what matters more is quality over...
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While getting fit and healthy seems to be on everyone’s to-do list, for many of us, it’s often not as easy as we’d like. Between finding the time to go to the gym, getting the grocery shopping done, and cooking healthy meals, it can seem nearly impossible to schedule in the time to workout, especially...
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